Raffles College of Higher Education (RCHE) is associated with Raffles Education Corp’s network of colleges in major cities all over the world: Sydney (Australia); Phnom Penh (Cambodia); Hong Kong, Beijing, Changchun, Changzhou, Guangzhou, Shanghai , Hebei, Langfang, Tianjin (China); Ahmedabad, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Bangalore, New Delhi, Greater Noida (India); Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Batam (Indonesia); Kuala Lumpur , Iskandar (Malaysia); Ulaanbataar (Mongolia); Colombo (Srilanka); Singapore; Bangkok (Thailand); Manila (Philippines); and Riyadh (Saudi Arabia).

莱佛士教育集团,作为亚太规模最大的专业跨国教育集团,秉承了20多年成熟办学经验,拥有与生俱来的品牌特色与办学理念。学院的课程致力于为设计、商业、酒店、健康科学和科技等领域培养具有创新精神的人才、商业领袖和 企业家。学院授予澳大利亚莱佛士设计与商业学院的本科和研究生文凭,并获得澳大利亚教育部以及国际教育体系的一直认可。


Our flexible inter-school transfer scheme allows students to study at any of these colleges and experience living in another country. Any subjects that have been successfully completed prior to the transfer are accredited and recognised at any college in Raffles’ network. Local edge, worldwide reach. To us, this is what it means to be global.

莱佛士拥有广阔的校际平台和灵活的学分转移系统,允许学生在莱佛士教育网络内自由选择求学地点。 校际间学分互认且课程衔接紧密,使学生可以在莱佛士的学期期间去到不同的国家学习知识技能

Raffles College of Higher Education (RCHE) is a subsidiary of Raffles Education Corporation (REC), the leading education group in the Asia Pacific region. We currently operate four education brand names: Raffles Design InstituteRaffles Merchandising InstituteRaffles School of Business and Raffles Academy of Continuing Education.

We have a network of 34 colleges across the Asia Pacific, in countries such as Australia, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia and Thailand.

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